GQ Porsche


The 911 Sport Classic weaves through time, reflecting on a legacy of dreams and classic design. Porsche keeps its commitment to build historic vehicles that inspire and demonstrates only exceptional craftsmanship can defy the limits of time and space.
FPA and GQ Magazine work together to create three magical realism worlds for Porsche’s promotional campaign, underscoring the 911 Sport Classic's transcendence over time. Utilizing Unreal Engine 5, the team construct diverse realms, allowing us to experiment with landscapes dynamically and showcase more creative possibilities.

911 Sport Classic 跨越時光隧道,回顧那段追逐夢想、鑄造經典的旅途,他的奧德賽之旅正在上演最壯闊的畫面。跨世紀的保時捷承諾實現「打造歷史車型」和「為夢想而行」,持續承載著眾人嚮往的速度與遠望,同時展現了只有追求極致工藝,才能超越時空限制的真理。
FPA 與 GQ 雜誌攜手合作,參與 Porsche 保時捷的宣傳視覺設計。我們打造了三個獨特的魔幻寫實世界,突顯 Porsche 911 Sport Classic 跨越時空的非凡風采。針對這次獨特的主題和攝影技巧,運用了 Unreal Engine 5 構建三個不同的世界觀,利用即時渲染技術,能夠更自由、迅速地創造景觀,探索更多的創意可能。


Brand 品牌
Porsche 保時捷

Client 客戶
GQ Magazine

Creative 創意統籌
Shadow Wu

Art Director 美術導演

Photo 拍攝
Uliz Hung

Jie Liou 劉承杰、Cy Ric 洪嘉震

Compositing 合成
Hltoo 曾湘玲

Text & Interview 文字訪談
Kirstie Wang

Styling 造型

Hair 髮型
Neo (Flux)

Makeup 化妝

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